Saturday, December 12, 2015

Hello From The Other Side

Hello from the other siiiide!!!  …of the state. :D

Two weeks ago my family and I moved across the state. This is actually the third time I’ve moved, but it is only the first time that I have really been aware of it because the first two times happened when I was 6 and under. Most people have moved at least once in their lives so you may know that it is quite hard to find things when you’re moving. Everything is packed away in boxes and some boxes may already be at the new house. Most of your clothes are packed, except for the ones set aside in the suitcase that you’ll be living out of for a few weeks. All of your books, televisions, and maybe even your laptop (depending on how much you use it on a daily basis) are packed away. And your free time is probably packed away in one of those blamed boxes too. You may never figure out exactly where that box is again. Sorry.

This is why I was unable to post two weeks ago (because I’ve been trying to post every two weeks) but I think that it’s a pretty good excuse. My computer was packed away somewhere and the house was half empty containing almost exclusively cardboard boxes, and I was so tired by the end of the days that the only thing that I would have been able to type out would have been “asdkljgrbaaesdoih” because I probably would have face planted into my keyboard…if I was able to find my laptop in the first place!

But anyway, we are getting settled, I’ve been reunited with my laptop (and the wifi, thank goodness) so my previously decided upon schedule should be able to continue as planned. This week’s video comes as a whim of my own. A few days ago I decided that I wanted to learn how to play a Frank Sinatra song so I did and here I am playing it not as well I could have but there wasn’t really anything else that I wanted to play and at the time I felt as if it were a little too early for a Christmas song. You also get a little glimpse at my new room in the video, and it is quite interesting to say the least. (I will be painting it soon.)

Merry Christmas! See ya in two weeks. Well I mean, you won’t see me because this a blog...but you will see me in the video so..I dunno, whatever. It's 1:20 am I'm going to bed. 

(click the link below to watch my new video because it won't let me put the video into this post.)

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Questions. Many are asked each and every day in every corner of the world and in every language and dialect. Many are answered but many still are left unanswered. Questions such as; how big is the universe? Why is a giraffe called a giraffe?  Why did the chicken cross the road? How did Good Charlotte get famous? WHERE IS WALDO?!

Not all unanswered questions remain unanswered forever. As we learn and discover more about our world we discover answers to some of these haunting questions. And recently I have been told the answer to an unanswered question. So I have decided to share this revelation with those of you who read my blog.

The question is in regard to a specific mammal that lives in the waters with Aquatic creatures. Not the species as a whole, but an individual of the species. The mental state of this animal had troubled scientists for years. They tried to wrap their heads around why this particular individual behaved the way that it did. It was so unlike the others of its kind. It even differed noticeably from the ones in its close circle of friends. They searched far and wide for an answer. They studied this individual and those in its circle for years until the finally realized that the answer was right in front of them. It wasn’t a complicated thing at all. It was so simple that it was completely over looked.

The question: Why was the dolphin so sad?

The answer: Because it had no porpoise in life.

Thank you for reading and I am sorry for the bad jokes (sorta). I have a new video on my YouTube channel (which you can watch below) of me playing and singing How Great Thou Art. It was requested by a friend of my mom’s, Tami Frye. 

Monday, October 26, 2015


IT CONTINUES!! My plan to post a blog and a video every two weeks has been successful thus far! Well, I mean this is the seconds post, so I don’t know if you can call that a success…but it’s progress none-the-less. Making videos is a pretty easy feat. (Especially when I am given a request of what to sing as has been done this week.) And I have a few videos already recorded and plenty of songs in my repertoire that I can sing. What I didn’t think too much about is the blog post side of this.

WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO WRITE ABOUT?! I mean…some people blog about their lives but not many interesting things happen in my life. Some people have picture blogs, but that requires like, going outside. I write poems sometimes, but that gets old doesn’t it? And then there’s the thing of, do I want the blog post to be relevant to the song that I am singing in the video? Or is it okay if the blog post is kind of irrelevant.

OH! THAT REMINDED ME OF A JOKE!!! Okay, are you ready? (I heard this from Ed Sheeran)

What do you call an elephant that doesn’t mean anything?

Any guesses?



An irrelephant.

Get it? Irrelephant. Irrelevant. Haha? No? Okay, fine.

You can watch my new video below if you’d like. It is a request from my mom. An old hymn by Andrae’ Crouch called Through It All. Thank you for reading and tune in in another 2 weeks for more rambling, bad grammar, and potentially more bad puns. Oh, if you watch the video you just might hear my mom singing harmony in the background. ;) 

ALSO!! check out my mom's blog at She's has been writing about her chronic pain this month and is also doing a giveaway for her birthday. 

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Tired of Being Scared

I am tired of being too scared to do the things I want to do. In this case the thing is posting videos to my YouTube channel. This is something that I have wanted to do for several years now, but I have never gotten up the courage to actually do it. Not regularly at least. Ever since my friend introduced me to vloggers on YouTube I have loved the idea and have tried to come up with what I could make video of. Should I do a video blog just talking about stuff? Should I do art videos? Maybe my friends and I can start a channel together? I can post song covers!

They were good ideas, and they worked! The only thing I lacked was the motivation to keep doing it (and things to film in some cases but that’s not the point). This is something I always think about. I would love to make videos regularly, but I am too scared. Scared of what? I don’t know. Maybe I’m too scared to record videos when everyone in the house can hear me talking/singing to myself. Or maybe I am too afraid to put the videos out there for everyone I know to see and judge. I don’t know. But I do know that if I would just do it that it wouldn’t be scary anymore, or at least less so.  

So here’s the plan. I am going to try to start posting videos more often. I am also going to try to make a blog post for every video and I want to do this every 2 weeks. But I need some help. It would be awesome if people could keep me accountable to this. I know it’s hard to remember what day of the week it is let alone remember that every 14 of them Mikaela’s supposed to post a video/blog, but if you think about it just say “Hey, when’s your next video gonna be?” and I mostly post videos of me covering songs so if you have a suggestion for a song you would like me to do, suggest it! If I don’t know it, I can probably learn it. All you have to do it ask. :) 

Thank you, and here is my latest video. Freshly uploaded for your viewing pleasure (hopefully). It is a kinda decent cover of a song by my favorite band (who have an album coming out next week #PreorderSoundsGoodFeelsGood Oct 23!). This is Amnesia by 5 Seconds of Summer.   

Thursday, July 16, 2015

I Keep Forgetting

"Hey Mikaela! Welcome back! It's been ages since we've seen you!" 

Well, technically it would be 'ages since we've read something from you' or maybe even 'heard from you' because this is a textual blog not a visual/video blog, but yes It has been five months since I last posted something on my blog. And I'm not really sure if that post from February counts because that was a poem that I had to write for school. 

Either way, the issue at hand is that I keep forgetting to post things. Blog posts, Facebook statuses and more recently, videos on my YouTube channel. (*cough cough* click here *cough*). SO, in order to kill, like, three birds with one stone, (which is quite an impressive achievement I think) I am going to put my latest YouTube video into this blog post below and then post a link to this blog post in a post on Facebook. Yes, I just used the word 'post' four times in that sentence. And yeah, it probably isn't grammatically correct, but when are my blog posts ever grammatically correct? 

Here is the YouTube video. Enjoy the rest of your evening.
 (p.s. the video is me doing a cover of Thrive by Casting Crowns with my guitar teacher.) 

Friday, February 20, 2015

The Sky

I guess that the sky is one of my favorite things about nature. I have another post talking about how I love sunsets, and now (upon given the task to write about a specific part of nature) I have written a poem about it. I have a feeling that maybe the sky is overlooked because it is always there. Usually people choose a less often seen part of nature for their favorite (something they don't see all the time like the mountains or the ocean.) The sky is literally always there. You might be somewhere where there aren't mountains or beaches, but you can't go anywhere where the sky isn't. Sure you can go inside or underground but...whatever...the sky is's a poem.

The Sky

The sky has many faces,
Many outfits if you will.
Its many shades and colors suggests
That its moods are a present thrill.

Bright and blue, dull and gray,
Even orange and red sometimes,
Its many hues of the latter said
Are the easiest on my eyes.

Like a face its expressions are read,
From one look the weather told,
Even different shades of gray
Unique expressions hold.

Oh, and if the sky were green,
It still as sweet would be.
For if it were, and it just might,
It would still match the sea.

Note: There are a lot of poems on this blog...maybe I should change the name of the blog to 
"Maybe I Can Rhyme"..