Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Properly Carpe-ing your Diem

     People have this thing nowadays where they are encouraging one another to “live life to the fullest” because “life is short.” Whereas this is true they are going about it wrong. People use this as an excuse to not live right; to waste away their lives at parties and to throw away their responsibilities. They interpret the saying to mean “do more of what makes you happy” and that simply isn’t correct.

     If you only did what made you happy, then life would be kind of boring wouldn’t it? In most cases in order to do what makes you happy you have to first do what makes you unhappy.  To be a business man or lawyer you must first go through schooling. To be an athlete you have to eat right and exercise daily. You have to miss out on things that you’ve looked forward to, many sleepless nights studying, not eating pizza leading up to an important competition, being away from home for months at a time.

     To me “living life to the fullest” means try things you are scared to do. If you have an opportunity to go sky diving, take it even though you’re scared of heights. Or if you have an opportunity to perform in front of a crowd of people you’ve never met before, go for it even though the thought of putting yourself out there scares you the most (SIDENOTE:  It’s actually not that scary). It’s not about doing stupid things with your buddies because you don’t want to feel left out. It’s about taking opportunities that you otherwise wouldn’t have taken because you’re unsure of the outcome. Taking or leaving those little opportunities can be all the difference in your life. Sometimes they are even life changing. So yes, Carpe Diem, #YOLO if you will, but remember which road leads to heaven and which to hell. Short term happiness doesn’t always mean long term happiness.

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Matt. 7:13-14 (NIV)

Friday, November 7, 2014

My Psalm 23

This week I was given an assignment to "write my own version of Psalm 23 and contemporize it to my own situation." Once my mom explained to me what that meant, it didn't take me long to decide how I wanted to write it. Instead of 'shepard', I wanted to say 'teacher' because that is what he has been doing for the past three years or so. Teaching me how to be a better leader/musician and slowly demolishing my fears of doing so. It's not perfect, but what is aside from God? So..here is my version of Psalm 23.

My Psalms 23

The LORD is my teacher, I know all I need.
You teach me in the comforts of home,
You teach me with calm words.
As you are always,
You are patient with me,
Guiding me even when I am far behind you.
Even through the hard lessons,
I am not frustrated.
Your wisdom and corrections ease my mind.
Even when my fear overtakes me, your blessings are abundant.
It is more than I could ever ask for.
May I not turn away from your blessings and mercy as long as I live,

And may I dwell in your presence forever. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Lady MacBeth or Not Lady MacBeth. That is the question.

In the tragedy of MacBeth the villain is widely considered to be Lady MacBeth. It is clear that she encourages the idea of her husband killing the king and has no regrets about it what-so-ever. But is it really her or was her husband the real mastermind behind it all?

Whereas there is plenty of evidence against Lady MacBeth, there is also substantial evidence against her husband. For one, the only murder she encouraged him to commit was of the king. MacBeth decided on the murder of Macduff, Macduff’s family, and Banquo on his own. Even then, MacBeth was the first to think of murdering the King. (Act 1 Scene III Macbeth’s words to himself starting at line 130) He was unsure of himself sure, but he did consider it before his wife’s suggestion.

It is also argued that because of Lady MacBeth’s great love for her husband she encouraged him to commit the murder. She loved him so much that she only wanted him to be happy, and if that meant going along with murder then she was okay with that. This thought is furthered by the guilt that Lady MacBeth shows in Act V Scene 1. She has so much guilt that in her sleep she walks about trying, and failing, to wash the blood off of her hands. She even felt so guilty that she killed herself. Is this the reaction of someone who is a heartless murderer? Or is it the reaction of a guilty wife who encouraged her husband to be happy thus putting the blood of dozens on their hands?

There is one last possibility that perhaps we haven’t considered. Maybe they both just want to be happy so much so that they jumped in head first then couldn't find which way was up and which was down resulting in their imminent deaths. Or maybe it is how it is written and we, like so often do, are looking for deeper meaning when there is none. I personally have a hard time believing that writers think such deep things through when writing a story.

Ultimately, after a story is written it is for the reader to comprehend. That is part of the fun of reading; it can come out differently depending on your personality and what jumps out to you. So let’s just carry on comprehending what we comprehend about the story and/or the deeper meanings.  It doesn't matter too much in the long run, although it is fun to compare comprehensions every now and again. I guess that’s why they have book clubs.

(NOTE: This has been an essay about MacBeth. Please forgive any incorrect fact/observations because I read the story in old english and if you have ever read Shakespeare then you will understand that it is very difficult to understand. Thank you & have a lovely day.) 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

There's Shakespeare's Sonnet and Then There's Mine...

According to my literature book, sonnets were love songs before love songs were love songs (If that makes sense). And Shakespeare's sonnets were especially more in the "love song" genre of sonnets. For example the ever famous sonnet 18. You know, "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate;". Sonnets are also often made up of 14 lines that rhyme in an alternate pattern, or Iambic Pentameter. (that's what the one website about how to write a sonnet I looked at said anyway). SO given that I have written the other types of poems and stories that my literature book talked about, I decided to write one of these too...And it had to be in the "love song" genre so, prepare for it to be cheesy...sorry..


A year we’ve had after first sight
And quite a year it was
We both felt as if in flight
To slow down we had not a cause
With you I went and with me you came
They hardly saw us apart
To me you would your love proclaim
And I can repeat your songs by heart
This feeling I wish to have forever
And to never leave your side
Of course that will take an endeavor
But if you’re in I’m willing to try
So as the aisle down I walk into your arms forever,
Let this begin new life and begin our new endeavor.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Apparently There Were Fables

Continuing through history in my literature studies, I am now in the Medieval Ages and apparently in that time period there were fables. So I wrote one. It's called "The Fable of the Fox". Enjoy. Or not. It's entirely up to you. It's not that good, I'm just proud that I finished it. 

The Fable of the Fox

There was once a forest. Well, there still is a forest, but something once happened in the forest. So I should have said “Once in a forest”. That’s what I mean. Anyway, there is a forest, and in the forest lived a family of wild chickens and their name so happened to be Wilde. Trust me it is a coincidence, I didn’t make it up to be funny, this is the way it actually happened.

In this family there were three, Father, Mother, and Daughter. Father and Mother were oh so proud of their only chickadee and wanted nothing but to give her the best. But since the Wilde family didn’t have much, all that chickadee’s parents could give her was their sage advice such as; “Don’t ever talk to anyone who starts a conversation by going ‘spt! Hey you!’ and “Never count your humans before they’re birthed.”

Chickadee loved her parents, but didn’t see the importance of her parents’ advice and would often ignore it. “I mean really!” she would say, “I’ve gathered food out in the rain many a time but not once have I caught death.” But her parents kept on in hopes that she would take even a little bit of their wisdom to heart. 

Now this forest was home to many an animal. There were several families of chickens, Mourning doves, and even a family of mice. It was a wonderfully diverse neighborhood and everyone loved one another… except for one. Deeper in the forest there lived a Fox and every now and again he liked to cause trouble. He had been the culprit of many robberies and several deaths.

It had been many years since anyone had seen or heard anything of the fox and that only made the residence of the forest more and more nervous. For they knew that that meant he had something sinister up his sleeve.  All of her life, Chickadee’s parents told her “If you ever come across that sneaky fox, don’t pay him any mind. Just walk swiftly but never turn your back.” And she couldn’t see why he the fox could be such a bad person. “They’re just over reacting. That fox is probably the sweetest person you’d ever meet.”

One evening Chickadee’s parents sent her out to gather some food for dinner, but before she left Mother reminded her of the fox. “If you ever come across that sneaky fox, don’t pay him any mind. Just walk swiftly but never turn your back.” She responded with a nod and a smile but as she gathered she thought to herself about how her parents MUST be wrong. “I mean, they’ve never met him how do they know?” just then she heard someone behind her. She turned around to see none other than the fox. “Oh hello,” he said. “I didn’t realize someone was gathering here. Mind if I join?” he asked.

Chickadee thought briefly about what her parents had told her those many times, but was certain that they were wrong. Besides, he looks kind enough. “No, help yourself. I’ve never seen you around here.” She said. “Oh, I usually gather deeper in the forest but I decided that I would like a change of scenery today.” She agreed with him saying that it would be nice to explore different places but her parents only let her gather in this spot because they’re afraid for her safety. “That’s crazy, the forest has been a very safe place for years upon years!” the fox said staying close behind her. “I know! But they seem to think that that will change.”  She said facing him briefly before she carried on walking.

“I guess you never know.” The fox said. “What do you mean?” she asked as she picked some berries. “Well,” the fox said. “You never know who could just walk up behind you.” She looked up from a bush long enough to say “Yes, but like you said, this is one of the safest places, like, ever. There aren’t any killers here.” and returned to her work. “Just because they don’t live here doesn’t mean that they won’t show up. Killers are crazy people; they would do anything to get their prey.” Chickadee began to feel a bit uneasy. “Like what?” She dared ask. “Oh, golly,” he said taking a step towards her. ”They would disguise themselves, make themselves look like a part of the community,” He said taking another step. “Or come out at night to catch them coming home late.” He said getting closer. “Or even deceive them. Make them think they’re a friend.”

She was really nervous now, buy it’s probably just because of what her parents told her; though, they couldn’t possibly have been right. The fox really seems to be a nice guy! As she and the fox stood face to face she tried to think of a way to leave politely as she was late for dinner. “Well,” she said taking a few steps back. “I really ought to be getting home. Mother and Father are expecting me for dinner.”  “Oh, must you go? I’m sure they won’t miss you for a few minutes more.” He said stepping towards her again. “Oh, but you see I’m late as it is, and I have our dinner here, so I really must be off.” She started to go around the fox but his eyes never left her.  “Alright, if you must.” He said and as she started out of the gathering area. She stopped quickly and turned around to say “Maybe I’ll see you around here again sometime?” “Yeah,” he said as she turned her back on him. And with a big grin on his face he whispered “I doubt it.” And pounced.

One more murder the fox is responsible for. One more murder and a forest full of broken hearts.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Olde Poems and New Poems.

In literature I am studying poems and stories throughout British History. Obviously it had me start at the beginning so the first poems/stories I read were Beowulf, and The Seafarer from the Anglo-Saxon age (5th-11th century). They contain biblical themes and deeper meanings through relatable terms such as sailing the seas and defeating evil monsters. After reading these poems, I was challenged to write a poem using a sea theme, like The Seafarer, about life. So here is what I came up with. 


All of these ships in the harbor are brought.
Most finish construction, but some finish not.
Some have design flaws that won’t let them float,
Others are broken by irresponsible blokes.

The ones who set sail aren’t all as strong as they look,
Some take on water, some sails don holes from a pirate’s hook.
They try to repair with the things that they’ve got,
But the supplies on deck aren’t the cream of the crop.

They fix leaks with barrel wood; they patch sails with old shirts,
But they keep coming back and they keep getting worse.
They know of a repairman, they know of his great works,
But they are too afraid to admit their way just doesn’t work.

Just a call to the repairman, and a trip to the port,
And your ship could be better he’d be happy to report.
You would still get those leaks, and be prepared for holes,
But he won’t cease to fix it, if you just give him your whole.

If you stay loyal, and entrust your ship to him,
He will not fail you, as he’s never failed them.
And someday you’ll find that he’s quite the sailor,
You’ll join his crew, and sail in new seas forever. 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Maybe I have a blog.

Oh look! I have a blog!! How about that?! I nearly forgot about it what with not posting here in four months.

Here is a thing I made of a doodle guy waving.

Have a nice day. :)

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Sky is Beautiful Sometimes

Here in Moultrie last July (2013) it rained almost everyday. This means that the sun was hidden behind clouds most of the time. Despite that, Everyday when the sun was supposed to be setting it would shine through all of the clouds in front of it. I found that to be very awesome, and if I had picture of those particular events then I would share them, but I don't. So here are some pretty picture of the sky I captured from here in town on other events. :)

Into town.

Behind the pizza place.
I will set a rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
Genesis 9:13

After having supper with my brother, we drove off the back way and stumbled upon the sun shining through the clouds. Simply Lovely.

The main stretch.
The same evening as the previous, the main stretch.
The home stretch.

One evening when the orange sun reflected off of the tiny-looking clouds to create something beautiful.

Driving home on another occasion I believe. Just a pretty display.

Our neighborhood is in a great position for sunsets. Here is some proof. :)
The neighborhood sky.
This one needs no description. My absolute favorite. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Maybe You Should Follow Your Dreams...

I'm not feeling inspired to write today. That's the weird thing about my creativity. I'm only creative half of the time, if I'm lucky. But when I am creative, I can be really creative. CAN is the key word there. Sometimes I'm creative but not creative enough. Like in writing posts, I can think of several topics, but no words to write about that topic. I can put chords together to form music, but I can't think of any words to sing with it. I can think of a story line but no dialogue to go along with it.  And if I can do those things, half the time I'm basically stealing someone elses idea.

I guess that they say there isn't anything new under the sun and that you have to re-create it in a way that is new and interesting, but I find it hard to do that sometimes and I wish I could just have my own idea. Other people seem to do it. Why can't I? Maybe I am, but I can't see it. Maybe it's because I'm to scared to share my work with the world. I guess that nobody ever really thinks that their work is particularly great. Unless, of course, fame has gone to their head. But in most of those cases, that persons work really isn't that great after all.

I guess it's kind of like Marty McFly from 'Back to the Future' and his music. "What if I send in the tape in (to a record label) and they don't like it? What if they say I'm no good? What if they say, "Get out of here kid. You've got no future"? I mean, I just don't think I can take that kind of rejection." Yeah, but what if somebody likes it? What if Noah has given up the first time people made fun of him when he spoke of a flood? The whole of everything would be different.

What if Thomas Edison had given up when people laughed at the idea of his inventions? No light, recorded music, no movies! ETC.

What if musical groups gave up when they were first rejected? like what if Liam Payne decided that since Simon Cowell Rejected him once that he would do it again? He wouldn't have come back to the XFactor 2 years later, and their wouldn't be a One Direction. (Please forgive my obsession with the band One Direction)

I guess you've got to try. The worst they can say is "No. It's no good." right? If you don't try you might be left wondering for the rest of your life. "What would have happened if...(insert the pursuit of your dream here)." But of course, there are times when you shouldn't try. Sometimes you want to pursue something but you know (or GOD knows) that it isn't the right thing for you. That you are to go down a different path. I guess that is different for everybody, and everybody has to ask GOD about it themselves. But as for me, I believe that I should be using my talents for the LORD, so if you need me, I will be building up the courage to continue to do that.

WOW, this entire post is a cliche...I'm sorry. You get what I'm inspired to type. HEY! I guess I was inspired after all!! :) :) :) PTL!! :) :)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

One of my Thoughts

Have you ever stopped and thought about just how awesome our God is? Just how much he cares for us? Just how BIG he is? I was thinking about it one time and these are my thoughts. I think that it's amazing personally.

Our sun is actually on of the smallest stars in the universe. The largest, or at least of on the, is Canis Majoris. That star is thought to be just under 2000 times bigger then our sun and our sun is about 109 times bigger than our home planet, Earth. Here are a few pictures that I found for us visual people who hate math. 

Okay, now think about how big the earth is compared to us humans. (you could even go further and think about atoms, and micro organisms, and germs). The universe is absolutely massive and GOD is even bigger than the universe! We are these microscopic fire ants that keep on biting but God still cares about us. He loves us so much that He gave up his only son for us, and even though we keep on sinning He hasn't turned away from us. So undeserving of so much love, so tiny, yet so important to Him. The one person that truly loves us unconditionally. He sees all our our flaws, yet he doesn't throw us out. He has the patience to stick by us even when we're so stubborn no-one else would, The mercy to forgive us every time we disappoint Him. I'm so unworthy of a king like Him. 

(I got the pictures from www.jesus-is-savior.com. I didn't read any of it, I just took the pictures. The other info that I couldn't remember I got from google searching.)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Introducing Me

On a semi-random whim I created a blog. I have been thinking a alot lately about what I want to be when I grow up, I'm still not exactly sure what it is but I do know that it should involve one of my God given talents. (which probably sounds obvious but whatever)

 One of the things I consider to be a talent is the fact that I can write better than I can talk. Meaning that if you give me a question, a bit of time, and let me type my answer out I would sound much smarter than if you asked me in person. In person if you ask me anything, my answer 99.5% of the time is "I don't know". I'm not lieing, you can ask anybody. Well, not ANYBODY, it would have to be a 'body' that knows me. Anyway, the fact that I am typing this post is proof enough that I write better then  speak. I went on a week long church trip once and for three entire days one of the chaperones didn't hear me say one word. I don't talk much.

Yeah, yeah, you don't talk much why did you decide to blog? Well, it started november of 2012 when one of my friends introduced me to a Vlogger on YouTube (same this as blogger except with videos). From then on I loved the idea of vlogging, but i've havn't ever had the courage to actually make a video by myself. Then recently thinking about my mom having a blog and the afore mentioned 'writing better than speakng' thing, I said to myself "Hey, you could do a bloggy type thing!" and I said back to myself "That's a cool idea! it's worth a shot!" so here I am, typing on my tablet that I have named Augustus(thats another post in itself).

Ever since I was 7, I have been interested in being a writer. I wrote a series of childrens books when I was 7 or 8 along with a few other random stories, and I am now writing a book for school. The thing I find interesting is that I hate writing essays, and I have only recently started to enjoy reading. The two things that, to me, a writer would need to like. But I have also realized that in order to achieve anything you have to work for it, and work isn't always fun, so maybe I will be a writer when I grow up, or maybe I will achieve one of my other dreams. Who knows? Only God does, and I trust him to reveal the answer in his time. In the meantime, I will try not to freak myself out about it. :)

Oh yeah, you probably would like to know what to call me. My name is Mikaela, but you can call me by my Username(if you can pronouce it). Aleakim69. Its my name and year of birth backwards, because I couldn't think of anything creative.

I like Moutain Dew, Teddy Bears, and One Direction. :) have a nice day.

(UPDATE!! my username is now KaeZanne. 3 letter of my first name and 5 of my middle name.)